Animation Comedy
Jesus Christ and Gautama Buddha, the founders of Christianity and Buddhism, are living together as roommates in a Tokyo apartment while taking a vacation on Earth. The comedy often involves jokes about Christianity, Buddhism, and all things related, as well as the main characters' attempts to hide their identities and understand modern society in Japan.
Directed by
Noriko Takao
Nao Nagasawa
Ryouta (voice)
Fumihiko Tachiki
Ryuuji (voice)
Masaharu Satô
Old Man (voice)
Kumiko Nishihara
Ryouta's Mother (voice)
Nobunaga Shimazaki
Convenience Store Clerk (voice)
Natsumi Takamori
High School Girl A (voice)
Kanehira Yamamoto
Convenience Store Manager (voice)
Sayuri Hara
High School Girl B (voice)
Gen Hoshino
Gautama Buddha (voice)
Reiko Suzuki
Sachiko Matsuda (voice)
Mie Sonozaki
Daisuke's Mother (voice)
Motoko Kumai
Daisuke (voice)
Bin Shimada
Bathhouse Proprietor (voice)
Kimiko Saito
Kouhei's Mother (voice)
Aiko Hibi
Kouhei (voice)
Eiji Takemoto
Yasu (voice)
Mirai Moriyama
Jesus Christ (voice)
Ryoko Kinomiya
Narrator (voice)

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