Drama Romance War
In 1941 America, Kay and her husband are happy enough until he enlists after Pearl Harbor. Against his wishes, his wife takes a job at the local aircraft plant where she meets Hazel, the singer from across the way the two soon become firm friends and with the other girls become increasingly expert workers. As the war drags on Kay finally dates her trumpet playing foreman and life gets complicated
Directed by
Jonathan Demme
Written by
Nancy Dowd
Kurt Russell
Lucky Lockhart
Goldie Hawn
Kay Walsh
Holly Hunter
Jeannie Sherman
Christine Lahti
Hazel Zanussi
Fred Ward
Biscuits Toohey
Ed Harris
Jack Walsh
Stephen Tobolowsky
French deMille / Documentary Narrator
Chris Lemmon
Lt. O'Connor
Charles Napier
Moon Willis
Todd Allen
Cpl. Bobby Danzig
Penny Johnson Jerald
Susan Barnes
Lisa Pelikan
Violet Mulligan
Belinda Carlisle
Jamboree Singer
Eddie Smith
Waiter at Kelly's
Reid Cruickshanks
Dick Miller
Wallflower at the Swing Shift Jamboree (uncredited)
Dennis Fimple
Rupert George
Bob Harks
Photographer at Funeral (uncredited)
Marvin Miller
Alan Toy
Assistant Cribman
Joey Aresco
Johnny Bonnano
Alana Stewart
Frankie Parker
Belita Moreno
Mabel Stoddard
Gene Borkan
M.P. at Embarkation
Susan Peretz
Edith Castle
Danny Darst
Harry Northup
New Year's Eve Marine #1
Sudie Bond
Isabell O'Connor
Cynthia Lea Clark
Dancer (uncredited)
Eugene Jackson
Bartender at Kelly's
Patty Maloney
Morris 'Tex' Biggs
Laura Hawn
George 'Red' Schwartz
Oceana Marr
Ladies' Room Inspector
Richard K. Way
Factory Soldier
Harold Jackson
Piano Player at Sorrentino's
Don Carrara
Drunk Sailor
Lissette LeCorn
Peggy (age 3)
Jessica Gaynes
Peggy (age 7)
Deena Marie
Paper Girl
Roger Rook
Joseph Hutton
Seaman Amtzis
David B. Carlton
New Year's Eve Marine #2
Lisa Chadwick
Vocalist at Kelly's
Chino 'Fats' Williams
Bouncer at Kelly's
Benjie Bancroft
Workman (uncredited)
Ian Bruce
Club Patron (uncredited)
Boyd Cabeen
Workman (uncredited)
Jack R. Clinton
Workman (uncredited)
Patrice Cole
Soldier's Wife (uncredited)
Sig Frohlich
Workman (uncredited)
Casey MacGill
Musician (uncredited)
John Marlin
Workman (uncredited)
Jim Michael
Bartender (uncredited)
Danny Nero
Sailor (uncredited)
Luci-Lynn Norris
Neighbor (uncredited)
James Turley
Workman (uncredited)

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