Thriller Action Crime
Jack Shaw has experienced the terror first-hand. He's a top CIA agent who's tracked international killer-for-hire Carlos "The Jackal" Sanchez for over twenty years and barely survived Carlos' devastating bombing of a Parisian cafe. Now, he finally gets a break when he discovers Carlos' dead ringer: American naval officer and dedicated family man Annibal Ramirez.
Directed by
Christian Duguay
Donald Sutherland
Jack Shaw / Henry Fields
Ben Kingsley
Aidan Quinn
Annibal Ramirez / Carlos
Vlasta Vrana
KGB Head Officer
Claudia Ferri
Maura Ramirez
Von Flores
Liliana Głąbczyńska
Lucie Laurier
Paris Lover
Céline Bonnier
Al Waxman
Carl Mickens - CIA
Gregory Hlady
KGB Aide
Frédéric Desager
KGB Agent
Gabriel Marian Oseciuc
KGB Agent
Mitchell David Rothpan
Joey Ramirez
Kliment Denchev
KGB Technician
Yonathan Gordon

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