Comedy Sci-Fi Romance
A timid, nearsighted chemistry teacher discovers a magical potion that can transform him into a suave and handsome Romeo. The Jekyll and Hyde game works well enough until the concoction starts to wear off at the most embarrassing times.
Directed by
Jerry Lewis
Written by
Bill Richmond, Jerry Lewis
Howard Morris
Mr. Elmer Kelp
Stella Stevens
Stella Purdy
Jerry Lewis
Professor Julius F. Kelp / Buddy Love / Baby Kelp
Richard Kiel
Man in Gym (uncredited)
Robert Donner
College Student (uncredited)
Henry Gibson
Gibson, College Student
Norman Alden
Football Player
Billy Bletcher
Plumber (uncredited)
Kathleen Freeman
Millie Lemmon
Skip Ward
Football Player
Murray Alper
Gym Attendant (uncredited)
Seymour Cassel
Bored Man
Milton Frome
Dr. M. Sheppard Leevee
Stephanie Hill
Waitress (uncredited)
Doodles Weaver
Elvia Allman
Edwina Kelp
Marvin Kaplan
English Student
Del Moore
Dr. Hamius R. Warfield
Med Flory
Football Player
Buddy Lester
Art Gilmore
Narrator (voice) (uncredited)
Martin Pendleton

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