Comedy Drama
Legendary England cricketer Sam Palmer (Jack Warner) is due to bat in his final test match against Australia. He is desperate for his son Reggie (Ray Jackson) to see his final innings. But Reggie prefers poetry to cricket and when he is offered the opportunity to read his poetry to England's greatest playwright Alexander Whitehead (Robert Morley) on the last day of the test, the relationship between father and son is tested to the limit. As Sam prepares for his final knock, the conflict with his son weighs heavily on his mind, but he is also upset over England's young batsman and ladies-man, Syd Thompson (George Relph), dating the woman whom he hopes to marry.
Directed by
Anthony Asquith
Robert Morley
Alexander Whitehead
Jack Warner
Sam Palmer
Richard Wattis
Cricket Fan
George Relph
Syd Thompson
Duncan Lamont
Unpleasant Pub Customer
Brenda Bruce
Richard Bebb
Frank Weller
Johnnie Schofield
Railway Porter
Valentine Dyall
Television Actor
Anita Sharp-Bolster
Adrianne Allen
Aunt Ethel
John Glyn-Jones
Mr Willis
Ray Jackson
Reggie Palmer
Joan Swinstead
Miss Fanshawe
Stanley Maxted
Len Hutton
Denis Compton
Alec Bedser
Godfrey Evans
Jim Laker
Cyril Washbrook
John Arlott
Himself (Voice)
Hyma Beckley
Fred Griffiths
Taxi Driver
Roddy Hughes
Mr Harborne
Audrey White
Television Announcer
Ben Williams
Ticket Collector

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