Drama Western
Will Lockhart arrives in Coronado, an isolated town in New Mexico, in search of someone who sells rifles to the Apache tribe, finding himself unwillingly drawn into the convoluted life of a local ranching family whose members seem to have a lot to hide.
Directed by
Anthony Mann
Jack Elam
Chris Boldt
James Stewart
Will Lockhart
Wallace Ford
Charley O'Leary
Frank De Kova
Cathy O'Donnell
Barbara Waggoman
Chuck Roberson
Donald Crisp
Alec Waggoman
Aline MacMahon
Kate Canaday
James Millican
Tom Quigby
Arthur Kennedy
Vic Hansbro
Boyd Stockman
Spud Oxton
John War Eagle
Frank Darrah
Alex Nicol
Dave Waggoman
Eddy Waller
Dr. Selden (uncredited)
Gregg Barton
Frank Cordell
Mule Driver (uncredited)
Beulah Archuletta
Woman at Indian Wedding (Uncredited)
Jack Carry
Mule Driver (uncredited)
Kay Koury
Indian (uncredited)
Frosty Royce
Mule Driver (uncredited)
Ted Mapes

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