Drama History Romance
An account of the revolutionary years of the legendary American journalist John Reed, who shared his adventurous professional life with his radical commitment to the socialist revolution in Russia, his dream of spreading its principles among the members of the American working class, and his troubled romantic relationship with the writer Louise Bryant.
Directed by
Warren Beatty
Jack Nicholson
Eugene O'Neill
Diane Keaton
Louise Bryant
Paul Sorvino
Louis Fraina
Edward Herrmann
Max Eastman
Gene Hackman
Pete van Wherry
Nicolas Coster
Paul Trullinger
Noel Davis
Shane Rimmer
John Ratzenberger
Communist Leader (uncredited)
Miriam Margolyes
Woman with Notebook (uncredited)
William Daniels
Julius Gerber
M. Emmet Walsh
Speaker at Liberal Club
Warren Beatty
John Reed
Jill Goldston
Dancing Woman (uncredited)
Josef Sommer
State Department Official
Max Wright
Floyd Dell
Roger Sloman
Vladimir I. Lenin
Jan Tříska
Karl Radek
Jack Kehoe
Ramon Bieri
Police Chief
Jerry Hardin
George Plimpton
Horace Whigham
Kathryn Grody
Crystal Eastman
Simon Jones
Louise Bryant's Colleague in France (uncredited)
Bessie Love
Mrs. Partlow
Dolph Sweet
Big Bill Haywood
R.G. Armstrong
Government Agent
Maureen Stapleton
Emma Goldman
Jerzy Kosiński
Grigory Zinoviev
Dave King
Allan Benson
Ian Wolfe
Mr. Partlow
Norman Chancer
Harry Ditson
Maurice Becker
Pat Starr
Helen Walters
Stefan Gryff
Alex Gomberg
Åke Lindman
Scandinavian Escort
Joseph Buloff
Joe Volski
MacIntyre Dixon
Carl Walters
Brenda Currin
Marjorie Jones
George Jessel
Himself - Witness
Eleanor D. Wilson
Mrs. Reed
Leigh Curran
Ida Rauh
Nancy Duiguid
Jane Heap
Jack O'Leary
Pinkerton Guard
Gerald Hiken
Dr. Lorber
Denis Pekarev
Interpreter in Factory
Stuart Richman
Leon Trotsky
Oleg Kerensky
Alexander Kerensky / Himself - Witness
Nikko Seppala
Young Bolshevik Soldier
John J. Hooker
Senator Overman
Christopher Malcolm
CLP Party Member #1
Tony Sibbald
CLP Party Member #2
Pertti Weckström
Finnish Doctor
Nina Macarova
Russian Nurse
Jose De Fillippo
Russian Doctor
Andreas La Casa
Little Boy
Roger Baldwin
Himself - Witness
Dora Russell
Herself - Witness
Scott Nearing
Himself - Witness
Tess Davis
Herself - Witness
Heaton Vorse
Herself - Witness
Hamilton Fish
Himself - Witness
Will Durant
Himself - Witness
Will Weinstone
Himself - Witness
Emmanuel Herbert
Himself - Witness
Arne Swabeck
Himself - Witness
Adele Gutman Nathan
Herself - Witness
George Seldes
Himself - Witness
Kenneth Chamberlain
Himself - Witness
Blanche Hays Fagen
Herself - Witness
Galina von Meck
Herself - Witness
Art Shields
Himself - Witness
Andrew Dasburg
Himself - Witness
Hugo Gellert
Himself - Witness
Dorothy Frooks
Herself - Witness
Jacob Bailin
Himself - Witness
John Ballato
Himself - Witness
Lucita Williams
Herself - Witness
Bernadine Szold-Fritz
Herself - Witness
Jessica Smith
Herself - Witness
Harry Carlisle
Himself - Witness
Arthur Mayer
Himself - Witness
Barrie Holland
WW1 American Officer (uncredited)
Mario Marchetti
Toivo Lehmusvirta

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