Drama Romance Thriller
A top surgeon is besotted with a beautiful woman who once rebuffed him. Unable to come to terms with life without her, he tries to convince her that they need each other. She has other ideas, but a horrific accident leaves her at his mercy.
Directed by
Jennifer Lynch
Julian Sands
Dr. Nick Cavanaugh
Sherilyn Fenn
Bill Paxton
Ray O'Malley
Kurtwood Smith
Dr. Alan Harrison
Art Garfunkel
Dr. Lawrence Augustine
Meg Register
Marion Cavanaugh
Ted Manson
Nicolette Scorsese
Fantasy Lover / Nurse
Carl Mazzocone Sr.
D. Taylor Loeb
Laura (uncredited)
Betsy Clark
Anne Garrett
Bryan Smith
Marla Levine
Kim Lentz
Nurse Diane
Lloyd T. Williams
Sam the Clerk
Erik Shoaff
Uncle Charlie
Adele K. Schaeffer
Flashback Party Woman #1
Amy Levin
Flashback Party Woman #2
Matt Berry
Young Nick Cavanaugh

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