Animation Fantasy Family
Elina, heroine of the Fairytopia films tells her friend Bibble the story of Flutterfield, a faraway kingdom populated by fairies with butterfly wings. Henna, the evil butterfly fairy has poisoned the queen of Flutterfield in an attempt to take over the kingdom.
Directed by
Conrad Helten
Written by
Elise Allen
Kelly Sheridan
Elina (voice)
Tabitha St. Germain
Willa / Coral / Flutterpixie (voice)
Nicole Oliver
Henna (voice)
Alessandro Juliani
Prince Carlos (voice)
Lee Tockar
Bibble / Skeezite #2 (voice)
Chiara Zanni
Mariposa (voice)
David Kaye
Royal Guard (voice)
Alistair Abell
Lord Gastrous (voice)
Cathy Weseluck
Zinzie / Dizzle / Fairy Speck (voice)
Erin Mathews
Rayla (voice)
Jane Barr
Anemone / Queen Marabella (voice)
Kathleen Barr
Rayna (voice)
Terry Klassen
Skeezite #1 (voice)

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