Horror Mystery Fantasy
When a beautiful model, Alison Parker, rents an apartment in a gloomy New York brownstone, little does she realize that an unspeakable horror awaits her behind its doors... a mysterious gateway to hell.
Directed by
Michael Winner
Written by
Michael Winner
Jeff Goldblum
Christopher Walken
Det. Rizzo
Nana Visitor
Girl at end (as Nana Tucker)
Tom Berenger
Man at end
Eli Wallach
Detective Gatz
Richard Dreyfuss
Man on sidewalk talking to girl in red sweater (uncredited)
Ava Gardner
Helen Logan
Chris Sarandon
Michael Lerman
Beverly D'Angelo
John Getz
Film Crew (uncredited)
Jerry Orbach
Michael Dayton
Burgess Meredith
Charles Chazen
William Hickey
Martin Balsam
Prof. Ruzinsky
John Carradine
Fr. Francis Matthew Halloran
Hank Garrett
James Brenner
José Ferrer
Priest of the Brotherhood
Billie Perkins
Street Girl (uncredited)
Charles Kimbrough
Cristina Raines
Alison Parker
Arthur Kennedy
Monsignor Franchino
Deborah Raffin
Sylvia Miles
Gerde Engstrom
Tresa Hughes
Rebecca Stinnett
Gary Allen
Malcolm Stinnett
Jane Hoffman
Lillian Clotkin
Elaine Shore
Emma Clotkin
Robert Gerringer
Diane Stilwell
Brenner's Secretary

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