Action Adventure Drama Comedy
High school grad. Conner Layne is about to marry his first love, but when wedding plans fail, he goes solo on his honeymoon to Central America, finding adventure with a ragtag group of foreigners who attempt to cross the Darien Gap in record time.
Directed by
Thomas Whelan
Alexandra Breckenridge
Christopher Masterson
Conner Layne
Danny Trejo
Limo Driver
Johnny Messner
Christopher Loren
Ernie Lively
Mr. Layne
Brooke Burns
Darlene Loren
Bijou Phillips
Christina Layne
James Duval
Taylor 'One Ball'
María Conchita Alonso
Mrs. Layne
Shalim Ortiz
Carlos 'Bullet'
Tommy Savas
Angelika Libera
Anna 'G-Spot'
Jake Muxworthy
Justin 'Two Dogs'
Silvia Spross
Frank Califano
Annie Huntley

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