Drama Romance War
American pilot Cliff Brandon, fighting the Japanese in China, finds himself the unintentional "owner" of a Chinese housekeeper, Shu-Jen. The unlikely couple falls in love and marries, but not without tragedy brought on by the war.
Directed by
Frank Borzage
Written by
Thomas F. Kelly, Kitty Buhler, James Benson Nablo
Stuart Whitman
Lt. Dan O'Neill
Denver Pyle
Col. Wiley
Victor Mature
Capt. Cliff Brandon
Ward Bond
Father Cairns
Johnny Desmond
Sgt. Steve Hill
Cosmo Sardo
Plane Passenger
Tige Andrews
Cpl. Carlo Menotti
Ann McCrea
Mona Perkins
Lisa Lu
Elaine Devry
Alice Nichols
Don 'Red' Barry
MSgt. Hal Foster
Steve Mitchell
Dave Reisner
Li Li-Hua
Gregg Barton
Bob Mathias
Capt. Phil Gates
Danny Chang

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