Crime Animation Action
Indestructible to his enemies and irresistible to women, the professional assassin codenamed Golgo 13 is shrouded in mystery and anonymity. If you're on his hit list, you're already dead. Always hired on his reputation alone, Golgo never breaks a contract. Can he survive the combined forces of the FBI, CIA, the Pentagon and the U.S. Army? Has the nameless agent finally met his match against the superhuman powers of the Snake and the twin evils of the psychopathic mercenaries, Gold and Silver?
Directed by
Osamu Dezaki
Toshiko Fujita
Cindy / Doctor Zed
Yusaku Yara
Lab Tech
Issei Futamata
Rokuro Naya
Bishop Moretti
Kosei Tomita
Bob Bragan
Kazue Komiya
Kei Tomiyama
Robert Dawson
Kiyoshi Kobayashi
Gen. T. Jefferson
Takeshi Aono
Gorō Naya
Leonard Dawson
Koichi Kitamura
Reiko Mutoh
Laura Dawson
Daisuke Gori
Cindy's Bodyguard
Kumiko Takizawa
Rita / Emily Dawson
Mitsuo Senda
Kazuo Hayashi
Computer 1 Operator
Tetsurō Sagawa
Golgo 13
Ichirô Murakoshi
E. Young
Koichi Chiba
The Watchmaker
Shingo Kanemoto
F. Garbin
Shunsuke Shima

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