Comedy Romance
A New York City beautician is mistakenly hired as the school teacher for the children of the president of a small Eastern European country.
Directed by
Ken Kwapis
Written by
Todd Graff
Fran Drescher
Joy Miller
Timothy Dalton
Boris Pochenko
Ian McNeice
Ira Grushinsky
Vincent Schiavelli
Marianne Muellerleile
Michael Lerner
Jerry Miller
Patrick Malahide
Leonid Kleist
Todd Graff
Heather DeLoach
Masha Pochenko
Lisa Jakub
Katrina Pochenko
Adam LaVorgna
Karl Pochenko
Phyllis Newman
Judy Miller
Thomas Rosales Jr.
Tamara Mello
Rosine 'Ace' Hatem
Michael Immel
Stage Manager
Celeste Russi
Brian J. Williams
Peter Marc Jacobson

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