Comedy Romance
In this film based on a Neil Simon play, newlyweds Corie, a free spirit, and Paul Bratter, an uptight lawyer, share a sixth-floor apartment in Greenwich Village. Soon after their marriage, Corie tries to find a companion for mother, Ethel, who is now alone, and sets up Ethel with neighbor Victor. Inappropriate behavior on a double date causes conflict, and the young couple considers divorce.
Directed by
Gene Saks
Jane Fonda
Corie Bratter
Doris Roberts
Hotel Maid (uncredited)
Robert Redford
Paul Bratter
Ted Hartley
Charles Boyer
Victor Velasco
Mildred Natwick
Ethel Banks
Mabel Albertson
Johnny Mercer
Herb Edelman
Harry Pepper
Fritz Feld
Restaurant Proprietor
Billie Bird
Drunken Neighbor (uncredited)
Paul E. Burns
Bum in Park (uncredited)
James Stone
Delivery Man
Bill Derringer
Store Clerk (uncredited)
John Indrisano
Policeman with Drunk (uncredited)

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