Comedy Crime Drama
In a hopeful effort to evade gangster Legs Caffey, chorus girl Letty Morris hops a bus in New York bound for Los Angeles--with Legs close on her heels. Along the way the bus picks up escaped convict Paul Porter, who quickly allies himself with Letty. With the police in hot pursuit and Legs monitoring his every move with Letty, Paul is running out of both time and ideas.
Directed by
Richard Boleslawski
Walter Brennan
2nd Bus Driver (uncredited)
Robert Montgomery
Paul Porter, aka Stephen Blaine
Akim Tamiroff
Deaf-Mute Bus Passenger (uncredited)
Curly Howard
Bill, Second of Three Julians
Moe Howard
Third of Three Julians
Ted Healy
Hector Withington, Jr.
Larry Fine
First of Three Julians
Nat Pendleton
Legs Caffey
Madge Evans
Letty Morris
C. Henry Gordon
Detective Daly
Ruth Selwyn
Babe Callahan

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