Animation Sci-Fi TV Movie
In the Andromeda galaxy there's a planet of a highly developed human civilisation. The gentle Prince Itaka and another kingdom's beautiful Princess Lilia are about to enter a love-marriage and take over the throne, when they discover a strange object on the nightsky. Later it lands on the planet, and an alien, mechanic civilization invades King Itaka's peaceful country making nearly everybody their slave. On a fateful night Queen Lilia gives birth to twins, and to avoid misfortune, the nanny Tarama takes one of the babies away, and entrusts it to the gladiator Balga. They still don't know, that the children were born with strong powers, and hold the key to the fight against the enemy that's searching to destroy every human civilisation on the planet... (from myanimelist)
Directed by
Masamitsu Sasaki
Toshiko Fujita
Il (voice)
Kaneto Shiozawa
Arc (voice)
Masaharu Satô
Godem (voice)
Toru Furuya
Jimsa (voice)
Miyuki Ueda
Lilia (voice)
Eiko Yamada
Machine (voice)
Koji Totani
Merchant (voice)
Merchant (voice)
Nachi Nozawa
Milan (voice)
Kazuko Sugiyama
Beth (voice)
Mami Koyama
Affle (voice)
Hidekatsu Shibata
Priest Kufu (voice)
Miyoko Asô
Tarama (voice)
Seiko Nakano
Makio Inoue
Ithaca (voice)
Koji Yada
Chancellor (voice)
Yonehiko Kitagawa
Boss (voice)
Keiichi Noda
Balga (voice)
Kazuhiko Kishino
Godai (voice)
Yoshio Kaneuchi
Chiyoko Kawashima
Jimsa (Young) (voice)
Harumi Iizuka
Maid (voice)
Mizuho Tsushima
Maid (voice)
Yuko Takagi
Maid (voice)

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