Action Drama Thriller War
During a routine patrol, a reporter is given permission to interview a hardened cold-war warrior and captain of the American destroyer USS Bedford. The reporter gets more than he bargained for when the Bedford discovers a Soviet sub and the captain begins a relentless pursuit, pushing his crew to breaking point.
Directed by
James B. Harris
Donald Sutherland
Hospitalman Nerney - Sick Bay
Sidney Poitier
Ben Munceford
Ed Bishop
Lieutenant Hacker U.S.N. - Communications
Burnell Tucker
Seaman 1st Class - Bridge
Shane Rimmer
Seaman 1st Class - C.I.C.
Martin Balsam
Lieut Cmdr. Chester Potter, M.D., U.S.N.
Eric Portman
Commodore Wolfgang Schrepke, Deutsche Marine
Richard Widmark
Captain Eric Finlander, U.S.N.
Paul Carson
Seaman 1st Class - Communications
Wally Cox
Seaman Merlin Queffle
Brian Davies
Lieutenant Beckman U.S.N. - Communications
Glenn Beck
Seaman 2nd Class - C.I.C.
James MacArthur
Ensign Ralston, U.S.N.
Phil Brown
Chief Hospitalman Mckinley - Sick Bay
Stephen Schreiber
Seaman 2nd Class - Bridge
Michael Kane
Commander Allison Executive Officer - Bridge
Laurence Herder
Petty Officer - Communications
Colin Maitland
Seaman Jones - Bridge
Gary Cockrell
Lieutenant Bascombe U.S.N. - C.I.C.
Warren Stanhope
Hospitalman Strauss - Sick Bay
Bill Edwards
Lieutenant Hazelwood U.S.N. - Bridge
Paul Tamarin
Seaman 2nd Class - Bridge
Frank Lieberman
Seaman 1st Class - Bridge
James Caffrey
Seaman 1st Class - Bridge
Mike Lennox
Lieutenant Krindlemeyer U.S.N. - Bridge
Ronald Rubin
Seaman 1st Class - Bridge
Eugene Leonard
Seaman 2nd Class - Bridge
Roy Stephens
Seaman 2nd Class - C.I.C.
George Roubicek
Lieutenant Berger U.S.N. - C.I.C.
John McCarthy
Seaman 1st Class - C.I.C.

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