Animation Fantasy Action Adventure
Zephyr, now known as Z, rides the seas with only one goal: Destroy all pirates and their dreams at becoming King of Pirates. When Luffy and his crew encounter him at sea, not only are they utterly defeated by the man with an arm made of Seastone, Nami, Robin, and Chopper are turned 10 years younger due to Z's minion Ain. Luffy is so determined to win against him that he does not even notice Z's master plan that could sacrifice thousands of lives.
Directed by
Tatsuya Nagamine
Written by
Osamu Suzuki
Hochu Otsuka
Z (voice)
Mayumi Tanaka
Monkey D. Luffy (voice)
Kappei Yamaguchi
Usopp (voice)
Masami Suzuki
Z (Young) (voice)
Unsho Ishizuka
Borsalino (voice)
Ikue Otani
Tony Tony Chopper (voice)
Teruyuki Kagawa
Binz (voice)
Takehito Koyasu
Aokiji (voice)
Fumihiko Tachiki
Sakazuki (voice)
Brook (voice)
Avril Lavigne
Kazuki Yao
Franky (voice)
Mika Doi
Koby (voice)
Hiroaki Hirata
Sanji (voice)
Kazuya Nakai
Roronoa Zoro (voice)
Ryoko Shinohara
Ain (voice)
Akemi Okamura
Nami (voice)
Kumiko Watanabe
Gali (voice)
Takkô Ishimori
Sengoku (voice)
Hiroshi Naka
Monkey D. Garp (voice)
Masashi Hirose
Mobstone (voice)
Yuriko Yamaguchi
Nico Robin (voice)
Yui Kano
Purin (voice)
Shun Takagi
Kirin (voice)
Minori Matsushima
Tsuru (voice)
Kouichi Nagano
Helmeppo (voice)

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