Drama Romance
Laila is an innocent Lappish girl and the only daughter of a reindeer herder. During world war II Laila rescues crashed German fighter pilot Hans and the two develop warm feelings for each other during his convalescence. Years later, after the war, Hans returns to Lapland as a freelance photographer and manages to lure Laila to run away with him to capital Helsinki to start a career as a photo model, much to the chagrin of her traditional father Aslak. After initial happiness, however, Hans abandons Laila and the decadent lifestyle of a big city sends her life into a downward spiral.
Directed by
Teuvo Tulio
Yrjö Tähtelä
Narrator (voice) (uncredited)
Ossi Elstelä
Aslak Walk
Marianne Mardi
Laila Walk
Mauritz Åkerman
Hans Müller
Ismo Saario
Marja Pertamo
Greta Kujala
Armas Ek
Uolevi Vahteristo
Aslak Walk (voice) (uncredited)
Seija Siikamäki
Maija (uncredited)
Matti Nurminen
Joni (uncredited)
Jorma Kylander
Receptionist (uncredited)
Matias Ikävalko
Party Guest (uncredited)
Tarleena Sammalkorpi
Party Guest (uncredited)
Eero Soininen
Party Guest (uncredited)
Aimo Paapio
Sea Captain (uncredited)
Heikki Huopainen
Wedding Guest (uncredited)
Simeon Rabinowitsch
Wedding Guest (uncredited)

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