Drama Romance
Kitty Lorraine has one purpose in life: turning her daughter Shirley into a star. Kitty controls every aspect of the girl's nascent career -- even blackmailing a stage manager so that Shirley can take a more prestigious gig. But Kitty goes too far when she breaks up her daughter's budding relationship with sweet artist Warren Foster. Heartbroken, Shirley sets off on a series of disastrous but profitable relationships.
Directed by
Charles Brabin
Written by
John Meehan
Franchot Tone
Warren Foster
John Larkin
The Porter
Bud Geary
Gladden James
Audience Member
Carl Switzer
'Irish Eyes' Singer
Carl Stockdale
Dick Elliott
Party Guest
Bradley Page
Tom Banton
Phillips Smalley
Music Store Manager
Maureen O'Sullivan
Shirley Lorraine
Ben Alexander
Francis Nolan
Sam Ash
Mr. Mark Thorne
Luis Alberni
Hors D'Oeuvres Waiter
Jay Eaton
Mr. Sterling, Dance Instructor
Lew Kelly
Jake, Stagehand
Nora Cecil
Miss Gilford, Kitty's Music Store Boss
Larry Fine
Customer at Music Store
Alice Lake
Audience Member
Russell Hardie
Fred Lorraine
Tom Ricketts
Fred's Father
Phillips Holmes
Lord Reggie Aylesworth
Leo White
Percy, Audition Manager
Ted Healy
Ralph Martin
Hank Bell
Mustached Man With Badge
Tammany Young
Taxi Driver
Alan Edwards
Al Dexter
Bill Elliott
Audience Member / Dexter's Party Guest
Alice Brady
Kitty Lorraine
Larry Steers
Dexter's Party Guest
Buddy Messinger
Fellow in Third Row
Greta Meyer
Dancing Girl's Mother
Aggie Herring
The Landlady
John Elliott
Garry Owen
Jerry, Stagehand
June Gittelson
Laughing Fat Woman
Guy Usher
Theater Owner
Elspeth Dudgeon
Music Store Customer
Frank O'Connor
Man at Gangplank
Harry Holman
Mr. Rumley
Lillian Harmer
Fred's Mother
Ruth Gillette
Henry Roquemore
C. Henry Gordon
Mary Ann Jackson
Auditioning Child Dancer
Lowden Adams
Dexter's Butler
Margaret Bert
Harrison Greene
Stage Manager
Tiny Jones
Dancing Girls's Mother
Bert Moorhouse
Navy Officer
Edmund Mortimer
Shipboard Extra / Audience Extra
Monte Vandergrift
Stage Lighting Man
Glen Walters
Dancing Girl's Tall Mother
Beal Wong
Stage Extra

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