Action Drama Adventure
The Yakuza of Japan has infiltrated the universities of Hong Kong and are conducting illegal activities such as underground bare knuckle fights,gambling and drugs. Hong Kong Police team up with the Japanese Secret Service to bring down the ruthless gang but their agents always seem to wind up dead. As a last resort they have a female detective (Sibelle Hu) infiltrate the organization in order to bring them down.
Directed by
Sonny Chiba, Casey Chan Lai-Ying
Written by
Masaru Yamamoto, Casey Chan Lai-Ying
Sonny Chiba
Supt. Yamada
Ken Lo
Chi Wang-Cheung
Masaru Matsuda
Sibelle Hu
Snr Insp. Julia Cheung
Chin Ka-Lok
Teddy Wong
Sonny Song
Gam Biu
Teddy's father
Masashi Ishibashi
Sato's Karate Master
James Ha Chim-Si
Li Chuk Biu
Shogo Shiotani
Sato Mitsuda
Lee Fat-Yuen
Li Chui Hon

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