Adventure Animation Mystery
Intrepid young reporter, Tintin, and his loyal dog, Snowy, are thrust into a world of high adventure when they discover a ship carrying an explosive secret. As Tintin is drawn into a centuries-old mystery, Ivan Ivanovitch Sakharine suspects him of stealing a priceless treasure. Tintin and Snowy, with the help of salty, cantankerous Captain Haddock and bumbling detectives, Thompson and Thomson, travel half the world, one step ahead of their enemies, as Tintin endeavors to find the Unicorn, a sunken ship that may hold a vast fortune, but also an ancient curse.
Directed by
Steven Spielberg
Daniel Craig
Sakharine / Red Rackham (voice)
Andy Serkis
Captain Haddock / Sir Francis Haddock (voice)
Cary Elwes
Pilot (voice)
Simon Pegg
Thompson (voice)
Nick Frost
Thomson (voice)
Toby Jones
Silk (voice)
Jamie Bell
Tintin (voice)
Daniel Mays
Allan / Pirate Flunky #1 (voice)
Mark Ivanir
Afghar Outpost Soldier / Secretary (voice)
Gad Elmaleh
Ben Salaad (voice)
Mackenzie Crook
Tom / Pirate Flunky #2 (voice)
Sebastian Roché
Pedro / 1st Mate (voice)
Tony Curran
Lieutenant Delcourt (voice)
Terry Notary
Ron Bottitta
Sailor / Lookout (voice)
Phillip Rhys
Co-Pilot / French Medic (voice)
Enn Reitel
Nestor / Mr. Crabtree (voice)
Sonje Fortag
Mrs. Finch (voice)
Kim Stengel
Bianca Castafiore (voice)
Abraham Justice
Soldier (voice)
Sana Etoile
Press Reporter (voice)
Joe Starr
Barnaby (voice)

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