Drama Thriller Crime Horror
On New Year's Eve, the convicted murderer, Strong Henry, escapes from prison and collects his son from the orphanage. When he breaks into a local manor to get some milk for his child, he is surprised by a young woman, Eva. Out of pity, she decides to help the stranger, but unfortunately some of the manor's other occupants wake up and call the police. Fourteen years later, Henry is released from prison. Convinced that Eva betrayed him, he sets out to take revenge and find his son.
Directed by
Benjamin Christensen
Written by
Benjamin Christensen
Charles Wilken
Osvald Helmuth
Karen Sandberg
Elith Pio
Mathilde Nielsen
Thilda Fønss
Peter Fjelstrup
Fritz Lamprecht
Marie Pio
Jørgen Lund
Ulla Johansen
Aage Schmidt
Grethe Brandes
Otto Reinwald
W. Jordan
Peter Wied
Ove Jarne
Jacoba Jessen
Ragnhild Sannom
Carl Gottschalksen

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