Action Animation
Increasingly disturbed by the dark energies building within him, Ryu is confronted by Shun, a boy claiming to be the brother he never knew. But before Ryu can consider whether Shun's timely appearance might be more than coincidental, Shun is kidnapped by Shadowlaw. To recover Shun, Ryu must undertake the ultimate journey of self-discovery and learn to control the power threatening to consume him.
Directed by
Shigeyasu Yamauchi
Written by
Kirk Thornton, Joe Romersa, Reiko Yoshida
Daiki Nakamura
Professor Sadler (voice)
Kane Kosugi
Ryû (voice)
Tomomichi Nishimura
Gouki / Akuma (voice)
Hidenari Ugaki
Zangief (voice)
Ryuuzaburou Ootomo
Birdie (voice)
Ai Orikasa
Rose (voice)
Wataru Takagi
Adon (voice)
Hisao Egawa
Rosanov (voice)
Yumi Touma
Chun-Li (voice)
Reiko Kiuchi
Shun (voice)
Kazuya Ichijo
Ken Masters (voice)
Bin Shimada
Wallace (voice)
Miki Nagasawa
Kei Chitose (voice)
Kirk Thornton
Ken Yamaguchi
Gôken (voice)
Joe Romersa
Chiaki Ōsawa
Sakura Kasugano (voice)
Kazuyuki Ishikawa
Vega / Dan Hibiki (voice)

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