Romance Western
The Spoilers is a 1914 film directed by Colin Campbell. It is set in Nome, Alaska during the 1898 Gold Rush, with William Farnum as Roy Glennister, Kathlyn Williams as Cherry Malotte, and Tom Santschi as Alex McNamara. The film culminates in a spectacular saloon fistfight between Glennister and McNamara. It was adapted to screen by Lanier Bartlett from the Rex Beach novel of the same name.
Directed by
Colin Campbell
Wheeler Oakman
The Bronco Kid, alias of Drury
Kathlyn Williams
Cherry Malotte
William Farnum
Roy Glenister
Tom Santschi
Alex McNamara
Jack McDonald
Slap Jack
Bessie Eyton
Helen Chester
Norval MacGregor
Judge Stillman
Frank Clark
William Ryno

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