Comedy Romance
Randy Bodek works as a pizza delivery boy at Señor Pizza to make a few extra bucks. Some customers are special, though: When the order is for a pizza with extra anchovies, it means the female customers are looking for some loving. But, as Randy soon learns, life as a professional gigolo can get pretty complicated.
Directed by
Joan Micklin Silver
Written by
Robin Schiff
Kate Jackson
Diane Bodek
Patrick Dempsey
Randy Bodek
Elizabeth Daily
Rebecca Holden
Anchovy Woman
Kim Miyori
Kyoko Bruckner
Robert Picardo
Dr. Reed Palmer
Carrie Fisher
Monica Delancy
Kirstie Alley
Dr. Joyce Palmer
Dylan Walsh
Jory Talbot
Barbara Carrera
Alex Barnett
Bernie Coulson
Rob Camilletti
Tony (as Robert Camilletti)
Vic Tayback
Harry Bruckner
Irene Olga López
Spanish Maid
Nancy Valen
Jenny Gordon
Robert Ginty
Joe Bodek
Richard Brestoff
Robot (voice)
Robert Petkoff
Waiter at Tiki Jones
Peter Koch
Claude Delancy
Bill Kalmenson
Male Patient
Sandra Beall
Ray Girardin
Christopher Cohill
Little Leaguer
Wayne Collins Jr.
Little Leaguer
Kathryn Spitz
Blonde at Señor Pizza
Elizabeth Scherrer
Brunette at Señor Pizza
Faith Burton
Champagne Woman
Laurie Brown
Intellectual Woman
Anne Lavezzi
Lion's Mane Woman
Alexandra More
Fudge Sundae Woman
Marilou Miller
Lover's Lane Woman
Sir Lamont Rodeheaver
Bonnie Rodeheaver
Little Sister
Alisa Wilson
Nurse Darlene
H. Hunt Burdick
Hotel Manager
Cheryl Felicia Rhoads
Mom at Pool
Anne Silverman
Little Girl at Pool
Katie Regan
Health Spa Woman
Roberto Martín Márquez
Stacey Hughes
Tonia George
William H. Valdez
Benny Morre

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