Action Crime Romance
Small-town boy Shawn MacArthur has come to New York City with nothing. Barely earning a living selling counterfeit goods on the streets, his luck changes when scam artist Harvey Boarden sees that he has a natural talent for streetfighting. When Harvey offers Shawn help at making the real cash, the two form an uneasy partnership.
Directed by
Dito Montiel
Channing Tatum
Shawn MacArthur
Luis Guzmán
Terrence Howard
Harvey Boarden
Danny Mastrogiorgio
Trader Jim
Zulay Henao
Zulay Valez
Ivan Martin
Stockbroker Jerry
Anthony DeSando
Christopher Anthony
Brian J. White
Evan Hailey
Angelic Zambrana
Kimo's Girl
Cung Le
Dragon Le
Roger Guenveur Smith
Jack Dancing
Buddy Joe Hooker
Michael Rivera
Laila Liliana Garro
Fine Russian Girl #1
Rich Pecci
Loud Club Wannabe
Peter Anthony Tambakis
Flaco Navaja
Ray Ray
Ksyn Cason
Fine Woman Shevonne
Jermel Wilson
Man in a Cowhide Suit
Altagracia Guzman
Alba Guzmán

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