Comedy Romance
A home, a motorcar, servants, the latest fashions: the most eligible and most finicky bachelor in Paris offers them all to Gigi. But she, who's gone from girlish gawkishness to cultured glamour before our eyes, yearns for that wonderful something money can't buy.
Directed by
Vincente Minnelli
Eva Gabor
Liane d'Exelmans
Hermione Gingold
Madame Alvarez ("Mamita")
Louis Jourdan
Gaston Lachaille
John Abbott
Maurice Chevalier
Honoré Lachaille
Leslie Caron
Gilberte "Gigi"
Corinne Marchand
Young Lady with White Sunshade
Bernard Musson
Guest at Maxim's (uncredited)
Dorothy Neumann
Designer (uncredited)
Jacques Bergerac
Pat Sheehan
Blonde (uncredited)
Cilly Feindt
Girl on Horseback at Pré Catelan (uncredited)
Edwin Jerome
Charles - Alicia's Butler (uncredited)
Monique van Vooren
Showgirl (uncredited)
Jean Ozenne
Monsieur Lachaille (uncredited)
Hubert de Lapparent
Gaston's Private Secretary (uncredited)
Maurice Marsac
Prince Berensky (uncredited)
Marie-Hélène Arnaud
Girl at Maxim's
Isabel Jeans
Aunt Alicia
Anne-Marie Mersen
Maxim Girl
Jack Ary
Waiter at "Palais de Glace" (uncredited)
Daniel Aubé
A boy at Jardins des Tuileries (uncredited)
Richard Bean
Harlequin (uncredited)
Jacques Bertrand
Maitre d'Hotel Maxim's (uncredited)
Paul Cristo
Restaurant Patron (uncredited)
Maruja Plose
Mannequin (uncredited)
Roger Saget
Pierre (uncredited)
Marilyn Simms
Redhead (uncredited)
Lydia Stevens
Simone (uncredited)
Jack Trevan
Coachman (uncredited)
François Valorbe
Henri - Gaston's Butler (uncredited)
Betty Wand
Gigi (singing voice) (uncredited)
Leroy Winebrenner
Lifeguard (uncredited)

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