Adventure Drama
In 1815, young Jacquou lives an idyllic peasant life with his parents in the Périgord region of France. But one day, his childhood happiness is cruelly ended when his father is arrested, after a dispute with the arrogant Count de Nansac. With both his parents dead, Jacquou is adopted by Bonal, a kind priest, under whose influence he grows into an assured, morally upright young man. Now an adult, Jacquou has one desire. To repay the Count de Nansac for the evil he once inflicted on his parents...
Directed by
Laurent Boutonnat
Gaspard Ulliel
Jacquou Le Croquant
Tchéky Karyo
Le chevalier
Albert Dupontel
Le père de Jacquou
Malik Zidi
Jérôme Kircher
Vidal, l'avocat
Olivier Gourmet
Le curé Bonal
Affif Ben Badra
Le berger moustachu
Léo Legrand
Jacquou enfant
Marie-Josée Croze
La mère de Jacquou
Vincent Valladon
Touffu 10 ans
Dora Doll
Judith Davis
Jocelyn Quivrin
Le Comte de Nansac
Bojana Panic
Gallienne de Nansac (la galiote)
Gérald Thomassin
Le bigleux

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