Animation Comedy Sci-Fi
Ishihara Toru is an everyday guy with an on-and-off girlfriend and a position working for a train buff. Things become complicated when a ghostly vehicle dubbed the X Train begins to ride the rails, destroying everything in its path. Somehow, it seems that Toru is connected with the X Train by a strange power, which draws the attention of some very dangerous and power hungry people who would wield it for their own...
Directed by
Masako Katsuki
Yoshito Yasuhara
Director Ochiai (voice)
Chihoko Shigeta
Yu Mizushima
Toru Nishihara (voice)
Manami Maruyama
Keisuke Yamashita
Kazuo Hayashi
Ritsuo Sawa
Reiko Seno
Sanji Hase

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