Animation Action Sci-Fi
In his travels as a bounty hunter, Hunter–Warrior and cyborg healer Ido one day discovers and repairs the remnants of a cyborg whom he names Gally. Though possessing the body of a young woman, Gally now embodies Ido's most sophisticated and lethal cybernetic skills. The preternaturally strong, amnesiac Gally begins to forge a life for herself in a world where every day is a struggle for survival.
Directed by
Hiroshi Fukutomi
Shigeru Chiba
Vector (voice)
Kappei Yamaguchi
Yūgo (voice)
Miki Ito
Gally (voice)
Takumi Yamazaki
Tanji (voice)
Michitaka Kobayashi
Rasha (voice)
Mami Koyama
Chiren (voice)
Kazuyuki Sogabe
Gime (voice)
Ryuuzaburou Ootomo
Grewcica (voice)
Shunsuke Kariya
Daisuke Ido (voice)
Naoki Makishima
Additional Voices (voice)
Koji Totani
Zavan (voice)
Tomoko Maruo
Additional Voices (voice)
Kazuhiko Kishino
Gonz (voice)
Shinobu Satouchi
Walla (voice)

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