Action Thriller
On Christmas Eve, ten strangers board a bus traveling across Texas and are forced off the road by a motorcycle gang. The passengers then take refuge in an abandoned scrap yard. When their defense against the gang weakens and their numbers dwindle they must do the unthinkable go on the offense.
Directed by
Scott Ziehl
Written by
Michael Stokes
Desmond Harrington
Sam Cutter
Lea Thompson
Maudie McMinn
Fred Ward
Sgt. Archie Sparks
Gregory Jbara
Jerry Yarbro
Alice Greczyn
Asante Jones
Sheriff Tom Jasper
Julie Mond
Merideth Cole
David Rees Snell
Danny Gunn
Everett Sifuentes
Mr. Vargas
Denise Lee
Louella Burton
Kelli Dawn Hancock
Roy Samuelson
Vic Towbridge
Danielle Wheeler
Joey Ryan
Nick Sowell
Wally White
Walter Lindley

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