Crime Drama Mystery
Two young women will stop at nothing for one to gain a $4 million inheritance of two priceless diamonds, while two detectives try to thwart their plans, but find complications abound.
Directed by
Jay Lowi
Written by
Ross Helford, Andy Hurst
Dina Meyer
Kristen Richards
Linden Ashby
Detective Michael Morrison
Sandra McCoy
Elena Sandoval
Claire Coffee
Jenny Bellamy
Van Epperson
Principal Phillips
Brad Johnson
Jay Clifton
Nikki Griffin
Serah D'Laine
Marie Clifton
Ron Melendez
Dr. Chad Johnson
Eric Fleeks
Detective Gomez
Elena Maria Garcia
Michael Horvath
Embarassed Boy
Kenneth Cameron
Young Man at Party
Claudio Sad
Mr. Barajas

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