Drama Western
Wealthy rancher Bick Benedict and dirt-poor cowboy Jett Rink both woo Leslie Lynnton, a beautiful young woman from Maryland who is new to Texas. She marries Benedict, but she is shocked by the racial bigotry of the White Texans against the local people of Mexican descent. Rink discovers oil on a small plot of land, and while he uses his vast, new wealth to buy all the land surrounding the Benedict ranch, the Benedict's disagreement over prejudice fuels conflict that runs across generations.
Directed by
George Stevens
James Dean
Jett Rink
Elizabeth Taylor
Leslie Lynnton Benedict
Rock Hudson
Jordan "Bick" Benedict Jr.
Carroll Baker
Luz Benedict II
Rod Taylor
Sir David Karfrey
Sal Mineo
Angel Obregón II
Earl Holliman
'Bob' Dace
Mercedes McCambridge
Luz Benedict
Paul Fix
Dr. Horace Lynnton
Alexander Scourby
Old Polo
Dennis Hopper
Jordan "Jordy" Benedict III
Bess Flowers
Guest at Jeff Rink's Banquet
Barbara Barrie
Mary Lou Decker
Chill Wills
Uncle Bawley
Charles Watts
Judge Oliver Whiteside
Elsa Cárdenas
Juana Guerra Benedict
Elsa Aguirre
Minor Role
Jane Withers
Vashti Synthe
Highland Dale
War Winds the Horse (uncredited)
Claudia Bryar
Older Beauty Operator
Maurice Jara
Dr. Guerra
Dick Gordon
Governor's Ball Guest (uncredited)
Ted White
Victor Millan
Angel Obregón Sr.
Bert Stevens
Wedding Guest
Sheb Wooley
Gabe Target
Monte Hale
Bale Clinch
Carolyn Craig
Lacey Lynnton
Guy Teague
Noreen Nash
Lona Lane
Pilar Del Rey
Mrs. Obregón
Harold Miller
Wedding Guest
Mickey Simpson
Herschel Graham
Guest (uncredited)
Ray Whitley
Napoleon Whiting
Jefferson Swazey
Judith Evelyn
Mrs. Nancy Lynnton
Robert Nichols
Mort 'Pinky' Snythe
Fran Bennett
Judy Benedict
Mary Ann Edwards
Adarene Clinch
Marion Gray
Guest at Jett Rink's Banquet
Dana Dillaway
Judy Benedict - Age 4
Tom Ferrandini
Governor's Ball Guest (uncredited)
Charles Fogel
Governor's Ball Guest (uncredited)
Rudy Germane
Security Guard (uncredited)
Sam Harris
Governor's Ball Guest (uncredited)
Bill Hale
Ron Burke
Robert Hinkle
Pete Dunn
Charles Willcox
Troy Melton

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