Romance Drama
A young flapper tricks her childhood sweetheart into marrying her. He really loves another woman, but didn't marry her for fear the marriage would end in divorce, like his parents'. Complications ensue.
Directed by
Frank Lloyd, Josef von Sternberg
Written by
Hope Loring, Louis D. Lighton
Gary Cooper
Edward D. 'Ted' Larrabee
Margaret Campbell
Mother Superior
Esther Ralston
Jean Waddington
Tom Ricketts
The Secretary
Hedda Hopper
Katherine Flanders
Clara Bow
Kitty Flanders
Joyce Coad
Little Kitty
Julia Swayne Gordon
Princess De Saxe
Edward Martindel
Tom Larrabee
Bill Elliott
Party Guest
Norman Trevor
Duke Henri de Goncourt
Einar Hanson
Prince Ludovico de Saxe
Don Marion
Little Ted
Yvonne Pelletier
Little Jean
Albert Gran
Mr. Seymour
Iris Stuart
Percy Williams
Mary Louise Miller
Kitty's Daughter

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