Drama Romance War
During World War II, the organisation "The Women's Land Army" recruited women to work on British farms while the men were off to war. Three such "land girls" of different social backgrounds - quiet Stella, young hairdresser Prue, and Cambridge graduate Ag - become best friends in spite of their different backgrounds.
Directed by
David Leland
Written by
David Leland, Keith Dewhurst
Rachel Weisz
Ag (Agapanthus)
Catherine McCormack
Paul Bettany
Steven Mackintosh
Joe Lawrence
Anna Friel
Prue (Prudence)
Nigel Planer
Ann Bell
Philip's Mother
Tom Georgeson
Mr. John Lawrence
Lucy Akhurst
Nicholas Le Prevost
Agricultural Officer
Maureen O'Brien
Mrs. John Lawrence
Celia Bannerman
District Commissioner
Michael Mantas

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