Comedy Drama
Between surrealism, unusual characters, art and magic tricks, "Swim Little Fish Swim" is a dreamlike journey from childhood to adulthood.
Directed by
Ruben Amar, Lola Bessis
Written by
Ruben Amar, Lola Bessis
James Rana
The hypocritical real estate agent
Brian McCarthy
Georges / The Gallery Boss
Brooke Bloom
Makeda Declet
Shiraz / Lilas' best Friend
Anne Consigny
Françoise de Castillon
Myriam Ajar
Annabelle / Françoise's Personal Assistant
Jennifer Diaz
Bar Singer
Lola Bessis
Lilas de Castillon
Dee Herlihy
Naked Artist Shooting Arrows
Lindsay Burdge
Hamilton Morris
Leeward's Friend / The Drug Expert
Eileen Kearney
The mean Consular Official
Richard Buonagurio
Adam / The Gallery Curator With The Bad Italian Accent
Wendy Tonken
Irina Varina
Perfect Couple - Girl
Louise Denyer
The Strict British Journalist
Olivia Costello
Rainbow / Maggie
Paul Manza
Leo / Lilas' naked animalistic boyfriend
Joy Seligsohn
Leeward's blue haired granny
Carl Titolo
Leeward's Dad
Janice Hall
Leeward's Mum
Tony Mann
The Studio Engineer With The Tooth Around The Neck
Colin Summers
Leeward's Friend With The Pink Plastic Cup
Jacob Rose
Leeward's Friend With The Crazy Hair And Tattoos
Calvin Lecompte
Leeward's Friend Who's Afraid of Dinosaurs
Jocelyn Spaar
Leeward's Friend With The Crate of Fruits
Chris Duffy
Leeward's Friend With The Tambourine
Bruno Valayer
Stéphane / The Art Expert
Admiral Grey
The Foreign Girl Who Slept On Pablo's Floor
Fernando / The Guy Who Had Not Eaten Yet
Chill Phill
Bucket Drummer
Regina McIlvaine
Gallery Client
Allen Szeto
Fish Shop Salesman
Tom Martone
Limo Passenger
Fay Leshner
Bar Waitress
Ruy Buchholz
The Arrogant Journalist
Jane Grey
Journalist Taking Photos
Solveig Haugen
The Blonde Journalist
Nicolas Winocur
The French Journalist With The Big Glasses
Elisa Castro
The Brazilian Journalist
Vanessa Williams
Naked Artist Throwing Ping Pong Balls on Mouse Traps
Phil Shaw
Naked Artist Painting On His Friend's Body
George Smith
Naked Artist Painting And Dancing

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