Adventure Drama Romance
Dangerous Exile is a 1957 British historical drama film directed by Brian Desmond Hurst and starring Louis Jourdan, Belinda Lee, Anne Heywood and Richard O'Sullivan. It concerns the fate of Louis XVII, who died in 1795 as a boy, yet was popularly believed to have escaped from his French revolutionary captors.
Directed by
Brian Desmond Hurst
Keith Michell
Colonel St. Gerard
Martita Hunt
Lady Lydia Fell
Louis Jourdan
Duke Philippe de Beauvais
Anne Heywood
Finlay Currie
Mr. Patient
Austin Trevor
Mr. Petitval
Belinda Lee
Virginia Traill
Laurence Payne
Richard O'Sullivan
Louis XVII / Richard de Beauvais
Terence Longdon
Sir Frederick Venner
Frederick Leister
Capt. Andrew Ogden
Jacques Brunius
De Chassagne
Brian Rawlinson
Dylan Evans
John Dearth
Simon the Jailer

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