War Drama
Allied prisoners of various nationalities pool their resources to plan numerous escapes from an "escape-proof" German P.O.W. camp housed in a Medieval castle.
Directed by
Guy Hamilton
Written by
William Douglas-Home, Ivan Foxwell, Guy Hamilton
Theodore Bikel
Eric Portman
Colonel Richmond
Ian Carmichael
Robin Cartwright
Guy Deghy
Lionel Jeffries
Harry Tyler
John Mills
Pat Reid
Peter Swanwick
Frederick Valk
Anton Diffring
Hauptmann Fischer
Carl Duering
Eugene Deckers
La Tour
Christopher Rhodes
'Mac' McGill
Richard Wattis
Richard Gordon
John G. Heller
Denis Shaw
Guido Lorraine
Polish officer
Witold Sikorski
Polish Officer
A. Blichewicz
Polish Officer
B. Dolinski
Polish Officer
Leo Bieber
German Interpreter
Rudolph Offenbach
Dutch Colonel
Keith Pyott
French Colonel
Arthur Butcher
Polish Colonel
Ludwik Lawinski

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