Comedy Action Animation Adventure
Naruto is thrilled when he is sent on a mission to protect his favorite actress, Yukie Fujikaze, on the set of her new movie, The Adventures of Princess Gale. But when the crew ventures out to film in the icy, foreboding Land of Snow, Yukie mysteriously flees! Naruto and his squad set off to find her... unaware that three Snow Ninja lie in wait, with a sinister purpose that will force Yukie to face her hidden past!
Directed by
Tensai Okamura
Kazuhiko Inoue
Kakashi Hatake (voice)
Junko Takeuchi
Naruto Uzumaki (voice)
Yuhko Kaida
Yukie Fujikaze (voice)
Hirotaka Suzuoki
Nadare Roga (voice)
Chikao Ohtsuka
Makino (voice)
Tsutomu Isobe
Doto Kazahana (voice)
Chie Nakamura
Sakura Haruno (voice)
Noriaki Sugiyama
Sasuke Uchiha (voice)
Hidehiko Ishizuka
Sōsetsu Kazahana (voice)
Ikuo Nishikawa
Sendayu Asama (voice)
Yutaka Nakano
Kin / Buriken (voice)
Holly Kaneko
Mizore Fuyukuma (voice)
Jun Karasawa
Fubuki Kakuyoku (voice)
Kan Tanaka
Hidero (voice)
Tomoko Gushima
Jun Takeuchi

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