Crime Drama
Ex Con Armstrong Cane (Ving Rhames) returns to home a changed man looking to take over his father's old church and congregation. The neighborhood though is full of drugs and gangs. Those who are able are leaving for more prosperous areas and falling in with a slick preacher (Ricardo Chivara). Even with a dangerous gang leader (Dean McDermott) threatening his flock, Armstrong won't give up.
Directed by
Duane Crichton
Ving Rhames
Armstrong Cane
Dean McDermott
John Henry James / Blaze
Ricardo Chavira
Rev. Danny Christopher
Genelle Williams
Ashley Ellis
Phillip Jarrett
Pastor Curry
Kathy Maloney
Ms. Ellis
Dwain Murphy
Norris Johns
Kim Roberts
Dr. Munson
Kate Todd
Sherri Butler
Sharon McFarlane
Mrs. Stewart
Kedar Brown
Deacon Jake
Richard Leacock
Mr. Ken Salter
Joe Bostick
Christopher Marren
Police Officer #2
Karl Campbell
Police Officer #1
Boyd Banks
Joanne Alderson
Car-Jacker Female
Ardon Bess
Officer Earle
Jason Weinberg
Narc #2
Kathryn Haggis
Ms. Linda
Ted Ludzik
Watchman #1
Balford Gordon
Johnie Chase
Desk Sargeant
Marnie Robinson
Marcia Clarke
Joanne Boland
Jully Black
Aunt Essie
K.C. Collins
Sean Mauricette
Egidio Tari
Detective Lombardi
Tosh Robertson
Marcus Ellis
Barbara Barnes-Hopkins
Mavis Johns
David Carty
Tony Meyler
Police Officer #3
Daveed Louza
Narc #1
Marcel Jones
Orderly in Hospital

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