Drama Romance
After returning home to a rugged island near Nova Scotia, Joanna, daughter of the local bigwig, struggles to choose between three eligible bachelors -- the rebel, the steadfast friend and the poetry-quoting newcomer. As the local lobster supply dwindles due to overfishing, the island's inhabitants encounter economic difficulties.
Directed by
Philip Leacock
Patrick McGoohan
Simon Breck
William Sylvester
Alec Douglas
Alexander Knox
Stephen MacKenzie
Michael Craig
Flora Robson
Donna MacKenzie
Patrick Allen
Charles MacKenzie
Peter Arne
Owen MacKenzie
Bernard Bresslaw
Tom Robey
Betta St. John
Jill Dixon
Matille Trudeau
Susan Beaumont
John Hayward
Philip MacKenzie
Errol MacKinnon
Peter Grant

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