Animation Fantasy Action Thriller Sci-Fi Horror
A folklore professor becomes unwittingly possessed by the ancient Japanese demons of Thunder and Lightning. But when The Bureau of Paranormal Research & Defense dispatches a team of agents to investigate, a cursed samurai sword sends Hellboy to a supernatural dimension of ghosts, monsters, and feudal mayhem. Now while pyrokinetic Liz Sherman and fishboy Abe Sapien battle one very pissed-off dragon, a lost and cranky Hellboy must find his way home.
Directed by
Phil Weinstein, Tad Stones
Ron Perlman
Hellboy (voice)
Peri Gilpin
Professor Kate Corrigan (voice)
Gwendoline Yeo
Kitsune (voice)
Doug Jones
Abe Sapien (voice)
Selma Blair
Liz Sherman (voice)
Phil LaMarr
Bureau Member / Pilot / Additional Voices (voice)
Mitchell Whitfield
Russell Thorne (voice)
Dee Bradley Baker
Lightning / Kappa / Pilot (voice)
Clyde Kusatsu
Additional Voices (voice)
James Sie
Additional Voices (voice)
Yuriana Kim
Additional Voices (voice)
Michael Hagiwara
Additional Voices (voice)
Paul Nakauchi
Additional Voices (voice)
Kim Mai Guest
Additional Voices (voice)
Liza del Mundo
Additional Voices (voice)

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