Drama Fantasy
Miser Ebenezer Scrooge is awakened on Christmas Eve by spirits who reveal to him his own miserable existence, what opportunities he wasted in his youth, his current cruelties, and the dire fate that awaits him if he does not change his ways. Scrooge is faced with his own story of growing bitterness and meanness, and must decide what his own future will hold: death or redemption.
Directed by
David Hugh Jones
Written by
Peter Barnes
Patrick Stewart
Mr. Ebenezer Scrooge
Saskia Reeves
Mrs. Cratchit
Dominic West
Fred (Scrooge's nephew)
Annette Badland
Mrs Fezziwig
Laura Fraser
Joel Grey
The Ghost of Christmas Past
Richard E. Grant
Bob Cratchit
Celia Imrie
Mrs Bennett
Roger Frost
Pooky Quesnel
Ian McNeice
Mr. Albert Fezziwig
Elizabeth Spriggs
Mrs Riggs
Tim Potter
The Third Spirit
Jeremy Swift
Ben Tibber
Tiny Tim
Kenny Doughty
Young Scrooge
Charlotte Brittain
Marigold Fezziwig
Crispin Letts
Topper Haines
Liz Smith
Mrs Dilber
Bruce Alexander
Mr Bennett
Helen Coker
Roger Hammond
2nd Broker
Debbie Chazen
Fred's Maid
Stephen Moore
3rd Broker
Joe Jones
Caroline's Husband
Matthew Cottle
Dick Wilkins
Gawn Grainger
1st Broker
Edward Petherbridge
Bernard Lloyd
Marley's Ghost
John Franklyn-Robbins
Trevor Peacock
Old Joe
Billy Seymour
Turkey Boy
Jack Chissick
Desmond Barrit
The Ghost of Christmas Present
Claire Slater
Martha Cratchit
Daniel Booroff
Claire Adamson
Tom Towndrow
Peter Cratchit
Leagh Conwell
Boy Caroller
Rowland Stirling
Child Scrooge
Josh Maguire
Boy Scrooge
Barnaby Francis
Young Boy Cratchit
Rosie Wiggins
Fran Scrooge
Leanne Howard-Williams

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