Action Drama
When her sister turns up dead, Julia (Linda Jones) tries to convince the cops that a notorious gangster is to blame by going undercover as a prisoner to unearth the only witness to the crime. Problems arise when the sexually perverse warden (Rita Silva) adopts Julia as her new plaything and throws her noble mission off-course. Ajita Wilson and Alessandro Freyberger co-star in this erotically charged thriller.
Directed by
Gianni Siragusa
Written by
Sergio Garrone
Alfonso Giganti
Police inspector (uncredited)
Ajita Wilson
Eureka Thompson
Giorgio Cerioni
Prison doctor (as George McGraw)
Rita Silva
Warden Landers
Adriana Giuffrè
Mrs. Trudeau (as Adrianne Giuffrè)
Tony Grant
Alessandro Freyberger
Prison Guard (as Alex Frayberger)
Aperio Bella Olivia
(as Olivia Bernard)
Cesare Di Vito
Prison Governor Trudeau (as John Vincent)
Linda Jones
Julia Rogers
Leo Annibali
(as Lex Burton)
Helen Johansson
Leda Simonetti
Mae (as Laura Simonson)
Lucia Rotolini
(as Lucy Shaw)
Enrica Saltutti
Sarah Winters (as Elizabeth Sherbrooke)
Carolina Caiati
(as Caroline Eatherly)
Laura Di San Luca
(as Laura De San Luca)

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