Romance Comedy Drama
The road-show troupe of a top Broadway show go cross-country while taking the audience along on the on-stage scenes as well as what happens and is happening back stage of the production. The spectacular dancing ensembles and colorful costumes and pulchritude on-stage offers a contrasting background to the drabness of the backstage, where joy, sorrow, tragedies, deception, and romance are intertwined.
Directed by
Charles Reisner
Written by
Bess Meredyth, Al Boasberg
Marie Dressler
Jack Benny
Eddie Rock
Eddie Phillips
Don Cordova
Bessie Love
Carlie Seymour
Ann Dvorak
Chorus Girl (uncredited)
Polly Moran
George K. Arthur
Nita Martan
Daphne Wayne
Gwen Lee
Charles King
Terry Fay

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