Comedy Romance
A young waitress falls for the son of a railroad tycoon, and finds herself hobnobbing with the rich when he invites her to spend some time with he and his family in Palm Springs.
Directed by
Frank Tuttle
Clara Bow
Pepper Whipple
Stuart Erwin
Clicker Watson
Claude King
Mr. Hamilton
Lew Kelly
Railroad Man at Lunch Counter (uncredited)
Theodore von Eltz
William Jordan
Charles Sellon
Pop Whipple
Pat Harmon
Railroad Man at Lunch Counter (uncredited)
Ethel Wales
Disapproving Dowager (uncredited)
Billy Franey
Railroad Man at Lunch Counter (uncredited)
Guy Oliver
Bill - Telegrapher (uncredited)
Stanley Smith
Jerry Hamilton
Mitzi Green
Penelope 'Penny' Whipple
Richard 'Skeets' Gallagher
Boots McGee
Barbara Bennett
Virginia Hamilton

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