Action Crime Romance
Stevie Carson, a newspaper reporter, and Danny Butler, the "morgue" manager on the same newspaper, set out to track down the killer of a colleague, a book-reviewer who was involved with a group of rare book forgers and whose sister has been convinced her editor-fiance, Bill Monroe, killed him.
Directed by
George Blair
Grant Withers
Detective Lt. Kirk
Douglas Fowley
Bill Monroe
Gregory Gaye
Mr. E. Charles
Adele Mara
Dee Dee, newspaper morgue assistant
David Sharpe
Undetermined - ?Fight Stuntman
Fred Graham
Davis, printer-henchman
Dale Van Sickel
Bookstore Clerk-Henchman
Warren Douglas
Daniel 'Danny' Butler
Michael Mark
Scene deleted
William Bakewell
Bruce Coleman
John Daheim
Undetermined - ?Fight Stuntman
Francis Pierlot
Channing Bliss
Joseph Crehan
The Doctor
Vince Barnett
Dale Evans
Linda Coleman
Janet Martin
Stephanie 'Stevie' Carson
Theresa Harris
Julia, the maid
Betty Alexander
Miss Lacey, newspaper lobby receptionist
Estelle Etterre
The Nurse
Georges Renavent
Joy Barlow
Mary Lou Walters, newspaper secretary
Jack George
Mason, the tailor
Charles Williams
Joe, the stage manager
Ken Duncan Jr.
Bobbie Dorree

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