Romance Comedy Crime
Two romantically-engaged corporate spies team up to manipulate a corporate race to corner the market on a medical innovation that will reap huge profits and enable them to lead an extravagant lifestyle together.
Directed by
Tony Gilroy
Written by
Tony Gilroy
Julia Roberts
Claire Stenwick
Happy Anderson
Clive Owen
Ray Koval
Christopher Denham
Ronny Partiz
Paul Giamatti
Richard Garsik
Lisa Roberts Gillan
Tully's Assistant
Carrie Preston
Barbara Bofferd
Tom Wilkinson
Howard Tully
Tom McCarthy
Jeff Bauer
Fabrizio Brienza
Hotel Manager
Wayne Duvall
Ned Guston
Ulrich Thomsen
Big Swiss Suit
Khan Baykal
Dinesh Patel
Denis O'Hare
Duke Monahan
Michele Melega
Swiss Chemist (uncredited)
Conan McCarty
Rick Worthy
Dale Raimes
Stephanie Finochio
Oleg Stefan
Boris Fetyov
Karl Bury
Kathleen Chalfant
Pam Frailes
Kirby Mitchell
Dan Daily
Garsik's Aide
Michael Bloomberg
Christopher Mann
Mr. Security
James Cronin
San Diego Equikrom
Seth Kirschner
Counter Sloth
Noel Elie
Business Woman (uncredited)
Lucia Grillo
Italian Chambermaid
Esther Pringle
San Diego Equikrom
Mary Anne Prevost
San Diego Equikrom
Annabel Seymour
Tully's Makeup Girl
Samantha Stark
B & R Employee
Brandon Slagle
Garsik's Shareholder

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